Tuesday, August 26, 2008

A Fabulous Time on the Carnival Spirit in 2008

It was truly Havana in Alaska on The Carnival Spirit from August 13 to 20th in 2008.

A warm and wonderful bunch of people came together for learning, dancing and exploring and a fabulous time was had by all!!

A BIG THANK YOU to all who made the week so successful and especially to Sidney Weaverling, Ryan Mead, Victoria Hadar Harel, Martín Vicente, Julián Mejía, Felix Bambury Webbe and David Figueroa.

I am adding links to photos and videos on the side bar as they come in so check back often!

Here is Sidney and Ryan's wonderful Review of the Moves we learned on the ship!! I love all the vistas around Cordova

And Here they are doing Salsa Suelta in Denali National Park in between the traffic!! What a view!

and finally - WHAT A GREAT MEMORY!!!